The Jackpot Fire Department is responsible for all fire and medical emergencies in an 80-mile area. In such a remote location, it is vital they have the equipment they need ready and waiting for them to respond to these emergency calls.
The station is currently using a small building owned by Jackpot Township. This building is inadequate for Fire Department personnel and equipment storage needs.
The Fire Department was given land for a new fire station and is located near the airport and golf course. However, a new 80-foot by 15-foot station needs to be built in order to accommodate the department’s equipment, space for training, and living quarters.
Thanks to the wonderful generosity of a private donor, much of the funding has been gifted. However, additional funding from businesses and residents of Jackpot is needed to successfully complete the project.
Please consider donating to this worthwhile project and help us help the Jackpot fire and emergency departments.
Your generous donation will fund our mission and help keep our lands and fellow citizens safe.
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